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Blessings in Chinese / Japanese...

Buy a Blessings calligraphy wall scroll here!

Personalize your custom “Blessings” project by clicking the button next to your favorite “Blessings” title below...

  1. Blessings and Protection

  2. Blessings on this Home

  3. Blessings and Protection

  4. Blessings and Good Wishes

  5. God Bless You / May God Protect You

  6. Pursuit of Happiness

  7. Happiness

  8. Heaven Blessing

  9. Grace from Heaven / Grace from God

10. Blessed by Heaven

11. Good Luck / Good Fortune

12. Grace

13. Divine Protection

14. Good Luck

15. Divine Blessing

16. Grace of God / Divine Blessing

17. God Bless You

18. Grace from Heaven / Grace from God

19. Heaven Blesses the Diligent

20. Bless this House

21. God Bless You / God Be With You

22. Blessed by God

Blessings and Protection

 shukufuku to hogo
Blessings and Protection Scroll

祝福と保護 means “blessings and protection,” in Japanese.

Blessings on this Home

 wǔ fú lín mén
Blessings on this Home Scroll

五福臨門 means “five good fortunes arrive [at the] door.”

It is understood to mean “may the five blessings descend upon this home.”

These blessings are known in ancient China to be: longevity, wealth, health, virtue, and natural death (living to old age). This is one of several auspicious sayings you might hear during the Chinese New Year.

Blessings and Protection

 bǎo yòu
Blessings and Protection Scroll

保佑 is the more religious and sometimes superstitious word for protection in Chinese. It's sort of a blessing of protection and is often translated as “bless and protect,” “blessing,” or “to bless.”

This would be used as the protection or blessing that a deity (such as God) would bestow upon you. It is not religion-specific in the same way a language cannot be specific to any religion.

祐Note: Sometimes the second character is written in the form shown to the right. Let us know if you have a preference when you place your order.

See Also:  Guardian Angel

Blessings and Good Wishes

 zhù fú
Blessings and Good Wishes Scroll

祝福 is a nice way to give good wishes to someone.

It can be a general blessing or used to congratulate someone for a special occasion or graduation.

This has a good meaning in Japanese but is more appropriate when expressed orally. 祝福 is not a natural selection for a wall scroll if your audience is Japanese.

God Bless You / May God Protect You

 shàng dì bǎo yòu
God Bless You / May God Protect You Scroll

上帝保佑 is a blessing exchanged between Chinese Christians.

The first two characters mean God (The God of Zion). The second two characters express the idea of giving protection. Another way to translate this is “May God protect you.”

See Also:  Guardian Angel

Pursuit of Happiness

 zhuī xún xìng fú
Pursuit of Happiness Scroll

追尋幸福 is the best way to translate the English phrase “pursuit of happiness” into Chinese.

The first two characters mean “to pursue,” “to track down,” or “to search for.”

The last two mean happiness, happy, or being blessed.

See Also:  Follow Your Dreams

Pursuit of Happiness

 koufuku o motome te
Pursuit of Happiness Scroll

幸福を求めて is “Pursuit of Happiness” or “In Search of Happiness” in Japanese.

Here's how the characters break down:
幸福 (koufuku) happiness; blessedness; joy; well-being.
を (o) particle
求め (motome) to want; to seek; to pursue; to request
て (te) particle

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

See Also:  Follow Your Dreams

 xìng fú
Happiness Scroll

幸福 is a general state of happiness that can also be translated as truly blessed, welfare, well-being, or fortunate.

Heaven Blessing

 jiàng fú
Heaven Blessing Scroll

降福 is a Chinese word that means blessings from heaven.

Grace from Heaven / Grace from God

 tiān ēn
Grace from Heaven / Grace from God Scroll

天恩 is the deepest way to say “Heaven's Grace” or “God's Grace” in Chinese.

The first character means Heaven or sky (referring, in this case, to the domain of God).
The second character means grace, blessings, benevolence, favor/favour, acts of kindness, merits, or beneficial influence.

This title can also be defined as:
Blessings of Heaven, Favor of the Emperor, Divination's luckiest day, or blessings of nature. Note: When you see “Emperor” above, remember that the Emperor, like the Pope, is theoretically chosen by God or seen as an emissary or conduit of God in ancient Asian culture. It would only be read that way in a certain context, such as “The Emperor, in his mercy, bestowed upon him Heaven's Grace, and the prisoner was set free.”

Note: Technically, this is a Japanese word too (pronounced "ten-on") but it’s rarely used in Japan anymore. Therefore, this title is best if your audience is Chinese.

Blessed by Heaven

 ten kei
Blessed by Heaven Scroll

天恵 means “Heaven's Blessing,” “Blessings from Heaven,” or “Blessed by Heaven” in Japanese Kanji.

Depending on the context in which this is used, it can also mean “gift of nature,” or even “natural resources” (as in Heaven or God bestowed things like oil, iron, gold, and other natural resources upon mankind).

Good Luck / Good Fortune

Good Luck / Good Fortune Scroll

福 is pronounced “fu” in Chinese.

The character “fu” is posted by virtually all Chinese people on the doors of their homes during the Spring Festival (closely associated with the Chinese New Year).

One tradition from the Zhou Dynasty (beginning in 256 B.C.) holds that putting a fu symbol on your front door will keep the goddess of poverty away.

福 literally means good fortune, prosperity, blessed, blessedness, happiness, and fulfillment.

You'll also see this character in Vietnam (where Chinese characters were the written form until a romanization reform) where it is pronounced Phúc - a word commonly used in Vietnamese names because of its good meaning.

See Also:  Lucky

Grace Scroll

恩 is often translated as “kind act from above,” as in “The Grace of God.”

This doesn't necessarily have to come from God. It could be a favor paid to you, or help that you received (or gave). Of course, you can decide for yourself whether the grace or favor given to you by a friend is actually a gift from God.

Other possible translations of this character:
Favor / favour, acts of kindness, merits, beneficial Influence, kindness, indebtedness, obligation, and benevolent influence.

Divine Protection

 jiā hù
 ka go
Divine Protection Scroll

加護 is Japanese for “divine protection” or “the saving grace of God.”

Please consider this blessing to be Japanese only. This can have the same meaning in the context of Buddhism in Chinese, but it's also a nickname for “intensive care” at Chinese hospitals.

Note: My Japanese translator says this is not commonly used in Japanese. I added this because a customer asked for it. There is no better Japanese phrase to express this idea - so this is it if you want it.

 xìng yùn
 kou un
Good Luck Scroll

幸運 can be translated as “good luck,” fortunate, lucky, and/or “good fortune” in Chinese, Korean and Japanese.

Occasionally, this is also translated as a type of happiness or a short way to write serendipity.

Divine Blessing

 bì yòu
Divine Blessing Scroll

庇佑 is a Chinese way to say “divine blessing.”

This can also mean: to bless, to protect, or divine protection.

Also written as 庇祐 (variant second character).

Grace of God / Divine Blessing

 shin kei
Grace of God / Divine Blessing Scroll

神惠 can be translated as “God's Blessing,” “Blessed by God,” or “Divine Blessing” in Japanese Kanji.

God Bless You

God Bless You Scroll

お大事に means “God bless you” in Japanese.

It can also mean “take care of yourself,” or “get well soon.” It's not always associated with religious meaning.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Grace from Heaven / Grace from God

 kami no on kei
Grace from Heaven / Grace from God Scroll

神の恩恵 means God's Grace in Japanese.

The first two characters act to create a word that means “divine,” “God's,” or “The Spirit's.”

The last two Kanji mean grace, favor/favour, blessing, or benefit.

Heaven Blesses the Diligent

 tiān dào chóu qín
Heaven Blesses the Diligent Scroll

天道酬勤 can be interpreted in a few different ways:
God blesses those who work hard.
It is the way of Heaven to smile on the diligent.
God will reward those that are worthy.
Heaven blesses those who are diligent.

Whichever translation you like, a scroll like this on your wall may serve as a reminder to work hard because your diligence will pay off both in this life and the next.

Note: This can be pronounced in Korean, but it's not a commonly used term.

Bless this House

 kono-ka ni shukufuku o
Bless this House Scroll

This means “Bless this house” or “Bless this home,” in Japanese.

Some may also translate this as “Bless this family,” since the Kanji for home can also mean family.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

God Bless You / God Be With You

 kami sa ma ga mamo ru you ni
God Bless You / God Be With You Scroll

神さまが守るように is about as close as you can get to, “God Bless You” in Japanese.

This literally means “[May] God Protect [You].” It can also mean “God is Always With You,” as the word in this phrase that means “protect” can also mean to follow or be with. In fact, the Japanese dictionary entry for that word reads like this: to protect; to guard; to defend; to keep (i.e. a promise); to abide; to observe; to follow.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Blessed by God

 kami ni yotte shukufuku sa remashita
Blessed by God Scroll

神によって祝福された means “Blessed by God” in Japanese.

This would be understood to mean “We have been blessed by God.”

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
Blessings and Protection祝福と保護shukufuku to hogo
Blessings on this Home五福臨門
wǔ fú lín mén
wu3 fu2 lin2 men2
wu fu lin men
Blessings and Protection保佑 / 保祐
bǎo yòu / bao3 you4 / bao you / baoyoupao yu / paoyu
Blessings and Good Wishes祝福shukufukuzhù fú / zhu4 fu2 / zhu fu / zhufuchu fu / chufu
God Bless You
May God Protect You
上帝保佑shàng dì bǎo yòu
shang4 di4 bao3 you4
shang di bao you
shang ti pao yu
Pursuit of Happiness追尋幸福
zhuī xún xìng fú
zhui1 xun2 xing4 fu2
zhui xun xing fu
chui hsün hsing fu
Pursuit of Happiness幸福を求めてkoufuku o motome te
kofuku o motome te
Happiness幸福koufuku / kofukuxìng fú / xing4 fu2 / xing fu / xingfuhsing fu / hsingfu
Heaven Blessing降福jiàng fú / jiang4 fu2 / jiang fu / jiangfuchiang fu / chiangfu
Grace from Heaven
Grace from God
天恩tiān ēn / tian1 en1 / tian en / tianent`ien en / tienen / tien en
Blessed by Heaven天恵ten kei / tenkei
Good Luck
Good Fortune
fukufú / fu2 / fu
Graceonēn / en1 / en
Divine Protection加護
ka go / kagojiā hù / jia1 hu4 / jia hu / jiahuchia hu / chiahu
Good Luck幸運
kou un / kouun / ko unxìng yùn / xing4 yun4 / xing yun / xingyunhsing yün / hsingyün
Divine Blessing庇佑 / 庇祐
bì yòu / bi4 you4 / bi you / biyoupi yu / piyu
Grace of God
Divine Blessing
神恵 / 神惠
shin kei / shinkei
God Bless Youお大事にodaijini
Grace from Heaven
Grace from God
神の恩恵kami no on kei
Heaven Blesses the Diligent天道酬勤tiān dào chóu qín
tian1 dao4 chou2 qin2
tian dao chou qin
t`ien tao ch`ou ch`in
tien tao chou chin
Bless this Houseこの家に祝福をkono-ka ni shukufuku o
God Bless You
God Be With You
神さまが守るようにkami sa ma ga mamo ru you ni
kami sa ma ga mamo ru yo ni
Blessed by God神によって祝福されたkami ni yotte shukufuku sa remashita
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line.
In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese.


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All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.

When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
After we create your wall scroll, it takes at least two weeks for air mail delivery from Beijing to you.

Allow a few weeks for delivery. Rush service speeds it up by a week or two for $10!

When you select your calligraphy, you'll be taken to another page where you can choose various custom options.

A nice Chinese calligraphy wall scroll

The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.

A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.

A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.

Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.

Some people may refer to this entry as Blessings Kanji, Blessings Characters, Blessings in Mandarin Chinese, Blessings Characters, Blessings in Chinese Writing, Blessings in Japanese Writing, Blessings in Asian Writing, Blessings Ideograms, Chinese Blessings symbols, Blessings Hieroglyphics, Blessings Glyphs, Blessings in Chinese Letters, Blessings Hanzi, Blessings in Japanese Kanji, Blessings Pictograms, Blessings in the Chinese Written-Language, or Blessings in the Japanese Written-Language.

69 people have searched for Blessings in Chinese or Japanese in the past year.
Blessings was last searched for by someone else on Oct 17th, 2024