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There are 963 total results for your Dynasty search. I have created 10 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition



see styles
dà jué jīn xiān
    da4 jue2 jin1 xian1
ta chüeh chin hsien
 daikaku konsen
The great enlightened golden ṛṣi, a name given to Buddha in the Song dynasty.



see styles
dà hán dì guó
    da4 han2 di4 guo2
ta han ti kuo
Korean Empire, from fall of Joseon dynasty in 1897 to annexation by Japan in 1910



see styles
tiān rén gǎn yìng
    tian1 ren2 gan3 ying4
t`ien jen kan ying
    tien jen kan ying
interactions between heaven and mankind (Han Dynasty doctrine)


see styles
tiān tái jiǔ shén
    tian1 tai2 jiu3 shen2
t`ien t`ai chiu shen
    tien tai chiu shen
 Tentai kujin
The nine patriarchs of the Tiantai sect: 龍樹 Nāgārjuna; 慧文 Hui-wen of the 北齊 Northern Qi dynasty; 慧思 Huici of 南嶽 Nanyue; 智者 (or 智顗) Zhizhe, or Zhiyi; 灌頂 Guanding of 章安 Changan; 法華 Fahua; 天宮 Tiangung; 左溪 Zuoxi; and 湛然 Zhanran of 荊溪. The ten patriarchs 十祖 are the above nine with 道邃 Daosui considered a patriarch in Japan, because he was the teacher of Dengyo Daishi who brought the Tendai system to that country in the ninth century. Some name Huiwen and Huici as the first and second patriarchs of the school of thought developed by Zhiyi at Tiantai; v. 天台宗.


see styles
tài píng gōng zhǔ
    tai4 ping2 gong1 zhu3
t`ai p`ing kung chu
    tai ping kung chu
Princess Taiping (c. 665-713), Tang Dynasty princess, politically powerful and known for her beauty



see styles
tài píng yù lǎn
    tai4 ping2 yu4 lan3
t`ai p`ing yü lan
    tai ping yü lan
Imperial Readings of the Taiping Era, general Song dynasty encyclopedia compiled during 977-983 under Li Fang 李昉[Li3 Fang3], 1000 scrolls



see styles
tài jí tú shuō
    tai4 ji2 tu2 shuo1
t`ai chi t`u shuo
    tai chi tu shuo
philosophical book by Song dynasty scholar Zhou Dunyi 周敦頤|周敦颐[Zhou1 Dun1 yi2], starting from an interpretation of the Book of Changes



see styles
qì dān guó zhì
    qi4 dan1 guo2 zhi4
ch`i tan kuo chih
    chi tan kuo chih
History of the Liao Dynasty, 13th-century book on the history of the Khitan Empire (916-1125)


see styles
 doreiouchou / doreocho
(hist) Slave dynasty (of India; 1206-1290); Mamluk dynasty


see styles
kǒng què wáng cháo
    kong3 que4 wang2 chao2
k`ung ch`üeh wang ch`ao
    kung chüeh wang chao
 Kushaku ōchō
Maurya Dynasty of India (322-185 BC)
Mauryan dynasty



see styles
ān shǐ zhī luàn
    an1 shi3 zhi1 luan4
an shih chih luan
An-Shi Rebellion (755-763) of 安祿山|安禄山[An1 Lu4 shan1] and 史思明[Shi3 Si1 ming2], a catastrophic setback for Tang dynasty



see styles
sòng sì dà shū
    song4 si4 da4 shu1
sung ssu ta shu
Four great compilations of Northern Song dynasty, namely: Extensive records of the Taiping era (978) 太平廣記|太平广记, Imperial readings of the Taiping era 太平御覽|太平御览, Prime tortoise of the record bureau 冊府元龜|册府元龟, Finest blossoms in the garden of literature 文苑英華|文苑英华



see styles
fēng shén yǎn yì
    feng1 shen2 yan3 yi4
feng shen yen i
Investiture of the Gods, major Ming dynasty vernacular novel of mythology and fantasy, very loosely based on King Wu of Zhou's 周武王[Zhou1 Wu3 wang2] overthrow of the Shang, subsequent material for opera, film, TV series, computer games etc



see styles
xī lín yīn yì
    xi1 lin2 yin1 yi4
hsi lin yin i
 Kirin ongi
The dictionary compiled by Hsi-lin of the Tang dynasty, supplementing the 慧琳音義 Hui-lin-yin-i. Sound and meaning accord with Hui-lin, and terms used in translations made subsequent to that work are added.


see styles
kāng qián shèng shì
    kang1 qian2 sheng4 shi4
k`ang ch`ien sheng shih
    kang chien sheng shih
booming and golden age of Qing dynasty (from Kang Xi to Qian Long emperors)



see styles
yǐn jià dà shī
    yin3 jia4 da4 shi1
yin chia ta shih
 inga daishi
One of the 四大師 of the Tang dynasty; it was his duty to welcome back the emperor on his return to the palace, a duty at times apparently devolving on Buddhist monks.


see styles
xián ér gǔ zhī
    xian2 er2 gu3 zhi1
hsien erh ku chih
to put strings on the zither, then play it (line from a Ming dynasty text by 劉伯溫|刘伯温[Liu2 Bo2wen1]); (fig.) to play music



see styles
hòu xī yóu jì
    hou4 xi1 you2 ji4
hou hsi yu chi
one of three Ming dynasty sequels to Journey to the West 西遊記|西游记



see styles
ài xīn jué luó
    ai4 xin1 jue2 luo2
ai hsin chüeh lo
Aisin Gioro, family name of the Manchu emperors of the Qing dynasty



see styles
yìng xiàn mù tǎ
    ying4 xian4 mu4 ta3
ying hsien mu t`a
    ying hsien mu ta
the timber pagoda of the Fogong Temple in Ying County, Shanxi, built in 1056 (Song dynasty)



see styles
wù xū zhèng biàn
    wu4 xu1 zheng4 bian4
wu hsü cheng pien
coup by Dowager Empress Cixi 慈禧太后[Ci2 xi3 tai4 hou4] ending the 1898 attempt to reform the Qing dynasty



see styles
wù xū wéi xīn
    wu4 xu1 wei2 xin1
wu hsü wei hsin
Hundred Days Reform (1898), failed attempt to reform the Qing dynasty



see styles
wù xū biàn fǎ
    wu4 xu1 bian4 fa3
wu hsü pien fa
Hundred Days Reform (1898), failed attempt to reform the Qing dynasty



see styles
zhàn guó mò nián
    zhan4 guo2 mo4 nian2
chan kuo mo nien
late Warring States period, c. 250-221 BC before the First Emperor's Qin Dynasty



see styles
hù bù shàng shū
    hu4 bu4 shang4 shu1
hu pu shang shu
Minister of Revenue (from the Han dynasty onwards)



see styles
gǎi cháo huàn dài
    gai3 chao2 huan4 dai4
kai ch`ao huan tai
    kai chao huan tai
to transition to a new dynasty or regime


see styles
 seijiouchou / sejiocho
(rare) political dynasty



see styles
wén yuàn yīng huá
    wen2 yuan4 ying1 hua2
wen yüan ying hua
Finest Blossoms in the Garden of Literature, Song dynasty collection of poetry, odes, songs and writings compiled during 982-986 under Li Fang 李昉[Li3 Fang3], Xu Xuan 徐鉉|徐铉[Xu2 Xuan4], Song Bai 宋白[Song4 Bai2] and Su Yijian 蘇易簡|苏易简[Su1 Yi4 jian3], 1000 scrolls


see styles
xīn wǔ dài shǐ
    xin1 wu3 dai4 shi3
hsin wu tai shih
Later History of the Five Dynasties (between Tang and Song), nineteenth of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3], compiled under Ouyang Xiu 歐陽修|欧阳修[Ou1 yang2 Xiu1] in 1053 during Northern Song Dynasty, 74 scrolls


see styles
xīn xiū běn cǎo
    xin1 xiu1 ben3 cao3
hsin hsiu pen ts`ao
    hsin hsiu pen tsao
Tang dynasty compendium of herbal medicine



see styles
fāng děng jiè tán
    fang1 deng3 jie4 tan2
fang teng chieh t`an
    fang teng chieh tan
 hōdō kaidan
(方等壇) An open altar at which instruction in the commandments was preached to the people, founded on the Mahāyāna-vaipulya sutras; the system began in 765 in the capital under 代宗 Daizong of the Tang dynasty and continued, with an interim under 武宗 Wuzong, till the 宣宗 Xuanzong period.


see styles
rì bó yān zī
    ri4 bo2 yan1 zi1
jih po yen tzu
lit. the sun sets in Yanzi (idiom); fig. the day is drawing to an end; the last days (of a person, a dynasty etc)



see styles
yì sī mǎ yí
    yi4 si1 ma3 yi2
i ssu ma i
Ismail (name); Shāh Ismāil I (1487-1524), founder of Persian Safavid dynasty, reigned 1501-1524


see styles
 ekiseikakumei / ekisekakume
(yoji) (hist) revolution (change of dynasty) decreed by Heaven when the incumbent emperor is found lacking in moral virtue (old Chinese political thought)


see styles
chūn qiū fán lù
    chun1 qiu1 fan2 lu4
ch`un ch`iu fan lu
    chun chiu fan lu
Luxuriant Dew of the Spring and Autumn Annals, ideological tract by Han dynasty political philosopher Dong Zhongshu 董仲舒[Dong3 Zhong4 shu1]



see styles
cháo xiǎn bā dào
    chao2 xian3 ba1 dao4
ch`ao hsien pa tao
    chao hsien pa tao
the eight provinces of Yi dynasty Korea



see styles
dōng pō zhǒu zi
    dong1 po1 zhou3 zi5
tung p`o chou tzu
    tung po chou tzu
Dongpo pork shoulder, traditional dish said to have been created by Northern Song dynasty writer Su Dongpo 蘇東坡|苏东坡


see styles
dōng hàn mò nián
    dong1 han4 mo4 nian2
tung han mo nien
the last years of Eastern Han; the breakup of the Han dynasty around 200 AD



see styles
dōng guān hàn jì
    dong1 guan1 han4 ji4
tung kuan han chi
History of Later Han dynasty, internal palace record by many 1st and 2nd century authors, 143 scrolls



see styles
sōng zàn gàn bù
    song1 zan4 gan4 bu4
sung tsan kan pu
Songtsen Gampo or Songzain Gambo (604-650) Tibetan emperor, founder of the Tubo 吐蕃[Tu3 bo1] dynasty



see styles
wǔ chāng qǐ yì
    wu3 chang1 qi3 yi4
wu ch`ang ch`i i
    wu chang chi i
Wuchang Uprising of October 10th, 1911, which led to Sun Yat-sen's Xinhai Revolution and the fall of the Qing dynasty



see styles
wǔ jīng zǒng yào
    wu3 jing1 zong3 yao4
wu ching tsung yao
"Collection of the Most Important Military Techniques", book published in 1044 during the Northern Song Dynasty


see styles
 eirakutaiten / erakutaiten
(work) Yongle Encyclopedia (Ming dynasty); (wk) Yongle Encyclopedia (Ming dynasty)



see styles
yǒng zhēn gé xīn
    yong3 zhen1 ge2 xin1
yung chen ko hsin
Yongzhen Reform, Tang dynasty failed reform movement of 805 led by Wang Shuwen 王叔文[Wang2 Shu1 wen2]



see styles
yáng wù yùn dòng
    yang2 wu4 yun4 dong4
yang wu yün tung
 youmuundou / yomundo
Self-Strengthening Movement (period of reforms in China c 1861-1894), also named 自強運動|自强运动
(hist) Self-Strengthening Movement (political reform movement in China during the late Qing dynasty); Westernization Movement



see styles
fú shēng liù jì
    fu2 sheng1 liu4 ji4
fu sheng liu chi
Six Records of a Floating Life, autobiographical novel and description of Qing dynasty life by 沈復|沈复[Shen3 Fu4], published 1808


see styles
qīng dài tōng shǐ
    qing1 dai4 tong1 shi3
ch`ing tai t`ung shih
    ching tai tung shih
General History of the Qing dynasty, compiled under Xiao Yishan 蕭一山|萧一山[Xiao1 Yi1 shan1]



see styles
qīng shǐ liè zhuàn
    qing1 shi3 lie4 zhuan4
ch`ing shih lieh chuan
    ching shih lieh chuan
Biographic History of Qing Dynasty by a succession of authors, published 1928 and revised 1987, with biographies of 2,900 notable Qing commoner citizens, 80 scrolls



see styles
tāng wǔ gé mìng
    tang1 wu3 ge2 ming4
t`ang wu ko ming
    tang wu ko ming
the Tang and Wu Revolts: the overthrow (c. 1600 BC) of the Xia Dynasty by the first king, Tang 商湯|商汤[Shang1 Tang1], of the Shang Dynasty, and the overthrow (c. 1046 BC) of the Shang Dynasty by the Zhou Dynasty founder, King Wu 周武王[Zhou1 Wu3 wang2]


see styles
(hist) Manchu-Han Imperial Feast; three-day feast of Chinese delicacies held during the Qing dynasty



see styles
mǎn hàn quán xí
    man3 han4 quan2 xi2
man han ch`üan hsi
    man han chüan hsi
the Manchu Han imperial feast, a legendary banquet in the Qing dynasty; (fig.) a sumptuous banquet



see styles
shěn yáng gù gōng
    shen3 yang2 gu4 gong1
shen yang ku kung
Mukden Palace, aka Shenyang Imperial Palace, the main imperial palace during the early years of the Qing dynasty (1625-1644), a secondary palace in subsequent years, now a museum



see styles
fén shū kēng rú
    fen2 shu1 keng1 ru2
fen shu k`eng ju
    fen shu keng ju
 funshokouju / funshokoju
to burn the Confucian classics and bury alive the Confucian scholars (acts supposedly committed by the first emperor 秦始皇[Qin2 Shi3 huang2])
(yoji) (hist) burning books on the Chinese classics and burying Confucian scholars alive (Qin dynasty thought suppression campaign)



see styles
xī píng shí jīng
    xi1 ping2 shi2 jing1
hsi p`ing shih ching
    hsi ping shih ching
Xiping steles, calligraphic work on carved steles of the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220 AD)



see styles
dú zūn rú shù
    du2 zun1 ru2 shu4
tu tsun ju shu
dismiss the hundred schools, revere only the Confucians (slogan of the Former Han dynasty)



see styles
bǎi rì wéi xīn
    bai3 ri4 wei2 xin1
pai jih wei hsin
Hundred Days Reform (1898), failed attempt to reform the Qing dynasty



see styles
nà lán xìng dé
    na4 lan2 xing4 de2
na lan hsing te
Nalan Xingde (1655-1685), Manchu ethnic Qing dynasty poet



see styles
zhōng nán jié jìng
    zhong1 nan2 jie2 jing4
chung nan chieh ching
lit. the Mount Zhongnan shortcut (idiom); fig. shortcut to a high-flying career; easy route to success (an allusion to the Tang Dynasty story of 盧藏用|卢藏用[Lu2 Cang4 yong4], who lived like a hermit on Mt. Zhongnan in order to gain a reputation for wisdom, which he then used to gain a position in the Imperial Court)



see styles
wéi xīn biàn fǎ
    wei2 xin1 bian4 fa3
wei hsin pien fa
Hundred Days Reform (1898), failed attempt to reform the Qing dynasty



see styles
zǒng lǐ yá men
    zong3 li3 ya2 men5
tsung li ya men
the Qing dynasty equivalent of the Foreign Office



see styles
xù xī yóu jì
    xu4 xi1 you2 ji4
hsü hsi yu chi
one of three Ming dynasty sequels to Journey to the West 西遊記|西游记



see styles
liáo zhāi zhì yì
    liao2 zhai1 zhi4 yi4
liao chai chih i
Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio, Qing dynasty book of tales by 蒲松齡|蒲松龄[Pu2 Song1 ling2]



see styles
chuán zhèng xué táng
    chuan2 zheng4 xue2 tang2
ch`uan cheng hsüeh t`ang
    chuan cheng hsüeh tang
Fuzhou Naval College, a.k.a. Foochow Naval Dockyard School, set up in 1866 by the Qing dynasty



see styles
chá mǎ hù shì
    cha2 ma3 hu4 shi4
ch`a ma hu shih
    cha ma hu shih
old tea-horse market between Tibet, China, Southeast Asia and India, formalized as a state enterprise under the Song dynasty


see styles
pú gān wáng cháo
    pu2 gan1 wang2 chao2
p`u kan wang ch`ao
    pu kan wang chao
Bagan (Pagan) Dynasty of Myanmar (Burma), 1044-1287



see styles
sà fēi wáng cháo
    sa4 fei1 wang2 chao2
sa fei wang ch`ao
    sa fei wang chao
Persian Safavid Dynasty 1501-1722



see styles
shuō yuè quán zhuàn
    shuo1 yue4 quan2 zhuan4
shuo yüeh ch`üan chuan
    shuo yüeh chüan chuan
"The Story of Yue Fei", biography of Song dynasty patriot and general Yue Fei 岳飛|岳飞[Yue4 Fei1]



see styles
shuō wén jiě zì
    shuo1 wen2 jie3 zi4
shuo wen chieh tzu
Shuowen Jiezi, the original Han dynasty Chinese character dictionary with 10,516 entries, authored by Xu Shen 許慎|许慎[Xu3 Shen4] in 2nd century



see styles
guì fēi zuì jiǔ
    gui4 fei1 zui4 jiu3
kuei fei tsui chiu
The Drunken Beauty, Qing Dynasty Beijing opera


see styles
xīn hài gé mìng
    xin1 hai4 ge2 ming4
hsin hai ko ming
 shingaikakumei / shingaikakume
Xinhai Revolution (1911), which ended the Qing Dynasty
(hist) Xinhai Revolution (of China; 1911)



see styles
dū duó wáng cháo
    du1 duo2 wang2 chao2
tu to wang ch`ao
    tu to wang chao
Tudor Dynasty, ruled England 1485-1603


see styles
 teishiseiken / teshiseken
(hist) Kingdom of Tungning (Taiwan, 1661-1683); Koxinga dynasty


see styles
tiě mào zi wáng
    tie3 mao4 zi5 wang2
t`ieh mao tzu wang
    tieh mao tzu wang
iron-cap prince in the Qing dynasty whose title can be passed on to subsequent generations without alteration



see styles
kāi guó yuán xūn
    kai1 guo2 yuan2 xun1
k`ai kuo yüan hsün
    kai kuo yüan hsün
variant of 開國元勳|开国元勋, founding figure (of country or dynasty); founding father; fig. also used of company, school etc



see styles
kāi guó yuán xūn
    kai1 guo2 yuan2 xun1
k`ai kuo yüan hsün
    kai kuo yüan hsün
founding figure (of a country or dynasty); founding father; fig. also used of company or school etc



see styles
kāi guó gōng chén
    kai1 guo2 gong1 chen2
k`ai kuo kung ch`en
    kai kuo kung chen
outstanding founding minister (title given to reward loyal general or vassal of new dynasty or state)



see styles
kāi zhāng shèng wáng
    kai1 zhang1 sheng4 wang2
k`ai chang sheng wang
    kai chang sheng wang
Sacred King, founder of Zhangzhou, posomethingumous title of Tang dynasty general Chen Yuanguang (657-711) 陳元光|陈元光[Chen2 Yuan2 guang1]



see styles
chén qiáo bīng biàn
    chen2 qiao2 bing1 bian4
ch`en ch`iao ping pien
    chen chiao ping pien
the military revolt of 960 that led Zhao Kuangyin 趙匡胤|赵匡胤 to found the Song dynasty



see styles
suí táng yǎn yì
    sui2 tang2 yan3 yi4
sui t`ang yen i
    sui tang yen i
Dramatized History of Sui and Tang, novel by Qing dynasty author Chu Renhuo 褚人獲|褚人获[Chu3 Ren2 huo4]



see styles
qīng lǜ shān shuǐ
    qing1 lu:4 shan1 shui3
ch`ing lü shan shui
    ching lü shan shui
blue-and-green landscape (genre of landscape painting originating in the Tang dynasty, in which blues and greens predominate)



see styles
gāo lí wáng cháo
    gao1 li2 wang2 chao2
kao li wang ch`ao
    kao li wang chao
Korean Goryeo Dynasty, 918-1392


see styles
 kouraijawan / koraijawan
Koryo dynasty tea bowl


see styles
hēi hán wáng cháo
    hei1 han2 wang2 chao2
hei han wang ch`ao
    hei han wang chao
Karakhan Dynasty of central Asia, 8th-10th century


see styles
 osumanchou / osumancho
Ottoman (Osmanli) dynasty


see styles
 kushanchou / kushancho
(hist) Kushan dynasty (of India, approx. 60-375 CE)


see styles
 saiidochou / saidocho
(hist) Sayyid dynasty (of India; 1414-1451)


see styles
 choorachou / chooracho
(hist) Chola dynasty (of India; approx. 848-1279)


see styles
 tsugurukuchou / tsugurukucho
Tughluq Dynasty (of India, 1320-1413 CE)


see styles
 harujiichou / harujicho
(hist) Khalji dynasty (of India; 1290-1320); Khilji dynasty


see styles
 mauriyachou / mauriyacho
(hist) Maurya dynasty (of India, approx. 317-186 BCE)


see styles
 rodiichou / rodicho
(hist) Lodi dynasty (of India; 1451-1526)



see styles
ér nǚ yīng xióng zhuàn
    er2 nu:3 ying1 xiong2 zhuan4
erh nü ying hsiung chuan
The Gallant Maid, novel by Manchu-born Qing dynasty writer 文康[Wen2 Kang1]



see styles
bā shí huā yán jīng
    ba1 shi2 hua1 yan2 jing1
pa shih hua yen ching
 Hachijū kegon kyō
The translation of the Hua-yen 華嚴經 in eighty chüan, made by Śikṣānanda in the T'ang dynasty.



see styles
fēn xún bīng bèi dào
    fen1 xun2 bing1 bei4 dao4
fen hsün ping pei tao
(Qing dynasty) provincial surveillance and defense commission


see styles
 ribu; rihou / ribu; riho
    りぶ; りほう
(hist) (See 六部・りくぶ) Ministry of Personnel (Tang dynasty China)



see styles
zhōu wǔ wáng jī fā
    zhou1 wu3 wang2 ji1 fa1
chou wu wang chi fa
King Wu of Zhou, personal name Ji Fa, reigned 1046-1043 BC as first king of Western Zhou dynasty 西周[Xi1 Zhou1] 1046-771 BC


see styles
kā lā hán wáng cháo
    ka1 la1 han2 wang2 chao2
k`a la han wang ch`ao
    ka la han wang chao
Karakhan dynasty of central Asia, 8th-10th century



see styles
sì shí èr zhāng jīng
    si4 shi2 er4 zhang1 jing1
ssu shih erh chang ching
 Shijūnishō kyō
The Sutra in Forty-two Sections Spoken by the Buddha, the first Chinese Buddhist text, translated in 67 AD by Kasyapa-Matanga 迦葉摩騰|迦叶摩腾[Jia1 ye4 Mo2 teng2] and Gobharana 竺法蘭|竺法兰[Zhu2 fa3 lan2] (Dharmaraksha)
The 'Sutra of Forty-two Sections' generally attributed to Kāśyapa Mātaṇga, v. 迦, and Gobharaṇa, v. 竺, the first Indian monks to arrive officially in China. It was, however, probably first produced in China in the 晉 Chin dynasty. There are various editions and commentaries.


see styles
dà táng nèi diǎn lù
    da4 tang2 nei4 dian3 lu4
ta t`ang nei tien lu
    ta tang nei tien lu
A catalogue of the Buddhist library in the Tang dynasty A.D. 664.


see styles
dà táng dí gōng àn
    da4 tang2 di2 gong1 an4
ta t`ang ti kung an
    ta tang ti kung an
Three Murder Cases Solved by Judge Dee, 1949 novel by R.H. van Gulik, featuring Tang Dynasty politician Di Renjie 狄仁傑|狄仁杰[Di2 Ren2 jie2] as master sleuth

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "Dynasty" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary