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see styles
 kyouro / kyoro
(place-name) Kuanglu (alt. name for Mount Lushan, China)


see styles
shí zōng
    shi2 zong1
shih tsung
The ten schools of Chinese Buddhism: I. The (1) 律宗 Vinaya-discipline, or 南山|; (2) 倶舍 Kośa, Abhidharma, or Reality (Sarvāstivādin) 有宗; (3) 成實宗 Satyasiddhi sect founded on this śāstra by Harivarman; (4) 三論宗 Mādhyamika or 性空宗; (5) 法華宗 Lotus, "Law-flower" or Tiantai 天台宗; (6) 華嚴Huayan or法性 or賢首宗; ( 7) 法相宗 Dharmalakṣana or 慈恩宗 founded on the唯識論 (8) 心宗 Ch'an or Zen, mind-only or intuitive, v. 禪宗 ; (9) 眞言宗 (Jap. Shingon) or esoteric 密宗 ; (10) 蓮宗 Amitābha-lotus or Pure Land (Jap. Jōdo) 淨士宗. The 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 9th are found in Japan rather than in China, where they have ceased to be of importance. II. The Hua-yen has also ten divisions into ten schools of thought: (1) 我法倶有 the reality of self (or soul) and things, e.g. mind and matter; (2) 法有我無 the reality of things but not of soul; (3) 法無去來 things have neither creation nor destruction; (4) 現通假實 present things are both apparent and real; (5) 俗妄眞實 common or phenomenal ideas are wrong, fundamental reality is the only truth; (6) things are merely names; (7) all things are unreal 空; (8) the bhūtatathatā is not unreal; (9) phenomena and their perception are to be got rid of; (10) the perfect, all-inclusive, and complete teaching of the One Vehicle. III. There are two old Japanese divisions: 大乘律宗, 倶舎宗 , 成實 宗 , 法和宗 , 三論宗 , 天台宗 , 華嚴宗 , 眞言宗 , 小乘律宗 , and 淨土宗 ; the second list adds 禪宗 and omits 大乘律宗. They are the Ritsu, Kusha, Jōjitsu, Hossō, Sanron, Tendai, Kegon, Shingon, (Hīnayāna) Ritsu, and Jōdo; the addition being Zen.


see styles
(female given name) China


see styles
(female given name) China


see styles
nán chōng
    nan2 chong1
nan ch`ung
    nan chung
 nanjuu / nanju
Nanchong, prefecture-level city in Sichuan
(place-name) Nanchong (China)


see styles
(1) (in China) (See 十二律,盤渉) 10th note of the ancient chromatic scale (approx. B); (2) eighth month of the lunar calendar


see styles
nán sòng
    nan2 song4
nan sung
 nansou / nanso
the Southern Song dynasty (1127-1279)
(hist) (See 宋・1) Southern Song dynasty (of China; 1127-1279)


see styles
(archaism) south China; southern China


see styles
 nansei / nanse
(hist) Southern Qi dynasty (of China; 479-502 CE); Southern Ch'i dynasty; (surname) Nanzai


see styles
nán fāng
    nan2 fang1
nan fang
 nanpou / nanpo
south; southern China (areas to the south of the Yangtze River)
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) the south; southward; southern direction; (2) countries in the south (esp. Southeast Asia and the pre-WWII South Pacific Mandate); (place-name) Minamigata
The southern quarter; south.


see styles
nán cháo
    nan2 chao2
nan ch`ao
    nan chao
 nanchou / nancho
Southern Dynasties (420-589)
(1) (hist) (See 南北朝・1) Southern Court (of Japan; 1336-1392); Southern Dynasty; (2) (hist) (See 南北朝・2) Southern Dynasties (of China; 420-589); (given name) Nanchō


see styles
nán hǎi
    nan2 hai3
nan hai
South China Sea
southern sea; (surname) Minamiumi


see styles
nán pí
    nan2 pi2
nan p`i
    nan pi
Nanpi county in Cangzhou 滄州|沧州[Cang1 zhou1], Hebei
(place-name) Nanpi (China)


see styles
nán háng
    nan2 hang2
nan hang
 nankou / nanko
China Southern Airlines
sailing south; southbound



see styles
nán huá
    nan2 hua2
nan hua
South China; Nanhua County in Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture 楚雄彞族自治州|楚雄彝族自治州[Chu3 xiong2 Yi2 zu2 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan
(female given name) Nanka


see styles
(1) (hist) (derogatory term) southern barbarians (name used in ancient China for non-Chinese ethnic groups to the south); (2) (hist) South-East Asian countries (in the late-Muromachi and Edo periods); (3) (hist) Western Europe (esp. Spain and Portugal and their South-East Asian colonies; late-Muromachi and Edo periods); (prefix noun) (4) (hist) foreign (of goods from South-East Asia and Western Europe); exotic (esp. in a Western European or South-East Asian style); (5) (See 唐辛子・1) chili pepper; (6) (abbreviation) {food} (See 南蛮煮・2) nanban; dish prepared using chili peppers and Welsh onions; (7) thrusting the right foot and right arm forward at the same time (or left foot and left arm; in kabuki, dance, puppetry, etc.)



see styles
nán zhào
    nan2 zhao4
nan chao
Nanzhao kingdom 738-937 in southwest China and southeast Asia


see styles
lí jīn
    li2 jin1
li chin
a form of transit taxation in China introduced to finance armies to suppress the Taiping Rebellion



see styles
yuán gē
    yuan2 ge1
yüan ko
(bird species of China) rock dove (Columba livia)


see styles
(place-name) Xiamen (China); Amoy



see styles
qù tái
    qu4 tai2
ch`ü t`ai
    chü tai
to go to Taiwan; refers to those who left China for Taiwan before the founding of PRC in 1949



see styles
cān hé
    can1 he2
ts`an ho
    tsan ho
to accuse; to impeach; (in imperial China) to level charges against an official


see styles
chā shǒu
    cha1 shou3
ch`a shou
    cha shou
The palms of the hands together with the fingers crossed forming ten. Also, the palms together with the middle fingers crossing each other, an old Indian form of greeting. In China anciently the left hand was folded over the right, but with women the right hand was over the left. In mourning salutations the order was reversed.


see styles
shòu mìng
    shou4 ming4
shou ming
 jumei / jume
ordained or appointed to a post; to benefit from counsel
(n,vs,vi) (1) receiving an order; commission; (n,vs,vi) (2) (hist) (See 天命・1) receiving a mandate from heaven and becoming an emperor (in China)
to live


see styles
tāi zhōu
    tai1 zhou1
t`ai chou
    tai chou
 daishuu / daishu
Taizhou, prefecture-level city in Zhejiang
(place-name) Taizhou (Zhejiang, China)



see styles
shǐ jì
    shi3 ji4
shih chi
Records of the Grand Historian, by 司馬遷|司马迁[Si1 ma3 Qian1], first of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3]
Shiji (first of China's 24 dynastic histories); Records of the Grand Historian; (personal name) Fuminori
Records of the Historian


see styles
 shikuu / shiku
(hist) (See 六卿) Minister of Works (Zhou dynasty China); (surname) Shikuu


see styles
 kakushou / kakusho
(1) each ministry; (2) each province (of China)


see styles
hé féi
    he2 fei2
ho fei
 gouhi; gappi; hoofei / gohi; gappi; hoofe
    ごうひ; がっぴ; ホーフェイ
Hefei, capital of Anhui Province 安徽省[An1 hui1 Sheng3]
Hefei (China); (place-name) Hefei (China)


see styles
jí lín
    ji2 lin2
chi lin
Jilin province (Kirin) in northeast China, abbr. 吉, capital 長春|长春; also Jilin prefecture-level city, Jilin province
(surname) Yoshibayashi


see styles
míng jiā
    ming2 jia1
ming chia
 meika / meka
renowned expert; master (of an art or craft)
(1) distinguished family; good family; reputable family; (2) great master; expert; authority; eminent person; (3) (hist) (See 公家・1) Meika; kuge family class ranking above Hanke and below Urinke; (4) (hist) School of Names (China); Logicians; Disputers; (place-name) Myōke


see styles
míng xiàng
    ming2 xiang4
ming hsiang
famous prime minister (in ancient China); names and appearances (Buddhism)
Name and appearance; everything has a name, e. g. sound, or has appearance, i. e. the visible, v. 名色; both are unreal and give rise to delusion. The name under which Subhūti will be reborn as Buddha.


see styles
míng chén
    ming2 chen2
ming ch`en
    ming chen
important official or statesman (in feudal China)



see styles
wú guó
    wu2 guo2
wu kuo
Wu state (in south China, in different historical periods); Wu state 220-280, founded by Sun Quan 孫權|孙权 the southernmost of the three Kingdoms



see styles
wú zǐ
    wu2 zi3
wu tzu
Wuzi, one of the Seven Military Classics of ancient China 武經七書|武经七书[Wu3 jing1 Qi1 shu1], written by Wu Qi 吳起|吴起[Wu2 Qi3]



see styles
wú yuè
    wu2 yue4
wu yüeh
states of south China in different historical periods; proverbially perpetual arch-enemies


see styles
(place-name) historical states of Wu and Chu (modern-day Jiangsu, Hunan and Hubei Provinces) (China); southern shore of the Yangtze


see styles
(hist) (See 呉・4,越・1) Wu and Yue (two rival states in ancient China); (personal name) Goetsu


see styles
zhōu kǒu
    zhou1 kou3
chou k`ou
    chou kou
 shuukou / shuko
prefecture level city in east Henan 河南
(place-name) Zhoukou (China)


see styles
(archaism) you (nuance of either deep affection or contempt); (archaism) Japanese person (term esp. used in ancient China, etc.); (personal name) Wajin


see styles
Japanese-Chinese; Japan and China


see styles
táng dài
    tang2 dai4
t`ang tai
    tang tai
 toudai / todai
Tang dynasty (618-907)
(hist) (See 唐・1) Tang period (China; 618-907); Tang era


see styles
(archaism) China; Korea; (place-name, surname) Karakuni


see styles
(1) (archaism) China; (prefix noun) (2) Chinese; (archaism) China; (surname) Morokoshi


see styles
táng cháo
    tang2 chao2
t`ang ch`ao
    tang chao
 touchou / tocho
Tang dynasty (618-907)
(hist) Tang dynasty (of China; 618-907); T'ang dynasty


see styles
 touhon / tohon
books from China; (surname) Karamoto


see styles
 touzukue / tozukue
desk made in China; Chinese style desk



see styles
táng lóu
    tang2 lou2
t`ang lou
    tang lou
tenement building, typically of 2-4 stories, with a shop on the ground floor and upper floors used for residential purposes (esp. in southern China)


see styles
(archaism) cat (esp. one imported from China)


see styles
 touhitsu / tohitsu
Chinese brush; writing brush made in China


see styles
China-made thread or yarn; (surname) Karaito


see styles
kā shí
    ka1 shi2
k`a shih
    ka shih
Kashgar or Qeshqer (Kāshí) city and prefecture in the west of Xinjiang near Kyrgyzstan
(place-name) Kashgar (China)



see styles
xǐ què
    xi3 que4
hsi ch`üeh
    hsi chüeh
(bird species of China) Eurasian magpie (Pica pica)


see styles
 inkou / inko
(place-name) Yingkou (China)



see styles
zào juān
    zao4 juan1
tsao chüan
(bird species of China) Asian koel (Eudynamys scolopaceus)


see styles
sì yí
    si4 yi2
ssu i
 shii / shi
(derogatory term) (See 東夷・あずまえびす・2,西戎・せいじゅう) Four Barbarians; derogative name for various ancient non-Chinese peoples bordering ancient China; (surname) Shii
(四夷戒 or 四夷罪) v. 四波羅夷.


see styles
sì píng
    si4 ping2
ssu p`ing
    ssu ping
Siping, prefecture-level city in Jilin province in northeast China
(surname) Yoshihira


see styles
sì mín
    si4 min2
ssu min
"the four classes" of ancient China, i.e. scholars, farmers, artisans, and merchants
(hist) the four social classes (of Edo-period Japan; samurai, farmers, artisans, merchants)
four classes of people


see styles
(hist) type of local militia in China most active during the Qing dynasty


see styles
(1) official writing system of a country; official script; (2) kana (as opposed to kanji); Japanese syllabary; (3) kanji created in Japan (as opposed to China); Japanese-made kanji


see styles
 kokufu; kokubu; kofu; kou / kokufu; kokubu; kofu; ko
    こくふ; こくぶ; こふ; こう
(1) (こくふ only) (abbreviation) (See 国民政府) Nationalist Government (of China; i.e. under the Kuomintang); (2) (See 律令制) provincial office (under the ritsuryō system); provincial capital; (surname) Kofu


see styles
 kokkei / kokke
National day (of China)



see styles
pǔ wú
    pu3 wu2
p`u wu
    pu wu
(bird species of China) ortolan bunting (Emberiza hortulana)



see styles
guó dà
    guo2 da4
kuo ta
abbr. for 國民大會|国民大会, National Assembly of the Republic of China (extant during various periods between 1913 and 2005); abbr. for 新加坡國立大學|新加坡国立大学, National University of Singapore (NUS); abbr. for 印度國民大會黨|印度国民大会党, Indian National Congress (INC); abbr. for 馬來西亞印度國民大會黨|马来西亚印度国民大会党, Malaysian Indian Congress (MIC)
See: 国大



see styles
guó chǐ
    guo2 chi3
kuo ch`ih
    kuo chih
national humiliation, refers to Japanese incursions into China in the 1930s and 40s, and more especially to Mukden railway incident of 18th September 1931 九一八事變|九一八事变 and subsequent Japanese annexation of Manchuria



see styles
guó mà
    guo2 ma4
kuo ma
curse word; four-letter word; esp. the "national swear word" of China, namely 他媽的|他妈的[ta1 ma1 de5]



see styles
guó háng
    guo2 hang2
kuo hang
Air China (abbr. for 中國國際航空公司|中国国际航空公司[Zhong1 guo2 Guo2 ji4 Hang2 kong1 Gong1 si1])



see styles
guó huā
    guo2 hua1
kuo hua
national flower (emblem, e.g. peony 牡丹[mu3 dan1] in China)
See: 国花



see styles
guó hào
    guo2 hao4
kuo hao
official name of a nation (includes dynastic names of China: 漢|汉[Han4], 唐[Tang2] etc)
See: 国号


see styles
 dorou / doro
(See 福建土楼・ふっけんどろう) type of circular or square earth building built from the 12th century in Fujian, China



see styles
zài huá
    zai4 hua2
tsai hua
within China; during one's visit to China
(female given name) Arufa


see styles
 keiheki / keheki
(archaism) ritual jades worn by feudal lords in ancient China


see styles
(hist) (See 六官) Ministry of Civil Administration and Social Welfare (Zhou dynasty China)


see styles
dì zàng
    di4 zang4
ti tsang
 jizou / jizo
Kṣitigarbha, the Bodhisattva of the Great Vow (to save all souls before accepting Bodhi); also translated Earth Treasury, Earth Womb, or Earth Store Bodhisattva
(surname) Jizou
Ti-tsang, J. Jizō, Kṣitigarbha, 乞叉底蘗沙; Earth-store, Earth-treasury, or Earthwomb. One of the group of eight Dhvani- Bodhisattvas. With hints of a feminine origin, he is now the guardian of the earth. Though associated with Yama as overlord, and with the dead and the hells, his role is that of saviour. Depicted with the alarum staff with its six rings, he is accredited with power over the hells and is devoted to the saving of all creatures between the nirvana of Śākyamuni and the advent of Maitreya the fifth century he has been especially considered as the deliverer from the hells. His central place in China is at Chiu-hua-shan, forty li south-west of Ch'ing-yang in Anhui. In Japan he is also the protector of travellers by land and his image accordingly appears on the roads; bereaved parents put stones by his images to seek his aid in relieving the labours of their dead in the task of piling stones on the banks of the Buddhist Styx; he also helps women in labour. He is described as holding a place between the gods and men on the one hand and the hells on the other for saving all in distress; some say he is an incarnation of Yama. At dawn he sits immobile on the earth 地 and meditates on the myriads of its beings 藏. When represented as a monk, it may be through the influence of a Korean monk who is considered to be his incarnation, and who came to China in 653 and died in 728 at the age of 99 after residing at Chiu-hua-shan for seventy-five years: his body, not decaying, is said to have been gilded over and became an object of worship. Many have confused 眞羅 part of Korea with 暹羅 Siam. There are other developments of Ti-tsang, such as the 六地藏 Six Ti-tsang, i. e. severally converting or transforming those in the hells, pretas, animals, asuras, men, and the devas; these six Ti-tsang have different images and symbols. Ti-tsang has also six messengers 六使者: Yama for transforming those in hell; the pearl-holder for pretas; the strong one or animals; the devīof mercy for asuras; the devī of the treasure for human beings; one who has charge of the heavens for the devas. There is also the 延命地藏 Yanming Ti-tsang, who controls length of days and who is approached, as also may be P'u-hsien, for that Purpose; his two assistants are the Supervisors of good and evil 掌善 and 掌惡. Under another form, as 勝軍地藏 Ti-tsang is chiefly associated with the esoteric cult. The benefits derived from his worship are many, some say ten, others say twenty-eight. His vows are contained in the 地藏菩薩本願經. There is also the 大乘大集地藏十電經 tr. by Xuanzang in 10 juan in the seventh century, which probably influenced the spread of the Ti-tsang cult.


see styles
(1) inside a fort; (2) (hist) (area) within the Great Wall of China


see styles
sài wài
    sai4 wai4
sai wai
territories beyond the Great Wall (old)
(1) outside a fort; (2) (hist) outside the Great Wall of China


see styles
(place-name) Yancheng (China)


see styles
mò xíng
    mo4 xing2
mo hsing
 bokkei; bokukei / bokke; bokuke
    ぼっけい; ぼくけい
corporal punishment consisting of carving and inking characters on the victim's forehead
(hist) (See 五刑・1) tattooing (as a form of punishment in ancient China)


see styles
mò zhī
    mo4 zhi1
mo chih
 bokujuu / bokuju
prepared Chinese ink
(1) India ink; China ink; (2) ink (of a cuttlefish, etc.)


see styles
(See 墨汁・1) India ink; China ink


see styles
(1) (hist) judge (of ancient China); (2) (hist) (See 士師記) judge (leader of ancient Israel); (surname) Hashi



see styles
shòu dài
    shou4 dai4
shou tai
(bird species of China) Amur paradise flycatcher (Terpsiphone incei)


see styles
(hist) (See 六官) Ministry of War (Zhou dynasty China)


see styles
wài qǐ
    wai4 qi3
wai ch`i
    wai chi
foreign enterprise; company established in mainland China with direct investment from foreign entities or from investors in Taiwan, Macao or Hong Kong; abbr. for 外資企業|外资企业



see styles
wài tān
    wai4 tan1
wai t`an
    wai tan
the Shanghai Bund or Waitan
(place-name) The Bund (Shanghai, China)


see styles
yè láng
    ye4 lang2
yeh lang
 yarou / yaro
small barbarian kingdom in southern China during the Han dynasty
(place-name) Yelang (China) (ancient state in western Guizhou province)



see styles
yè lù
    ye4 lu4
yeh lu
(bird species of China) black-crowned night heron (Nycticorax nycticorax)


see styles
dà shèng
    da4 sheng4
ta sheng
Mahayana, the Great Vehicle; Buddhism based on the Mayahana sutras, as spread to Central Asia, China and beyond; also pr. [Da4 cheng2]
(surname) Oonori
Mahāyāna; also called 上乘; 妙乘; 勝乘; 無上乘; 無上上乘; 不惡乘; 無等乘, 無等等乘; 摩訶衍 The great yāna, wain, or conveyance, or the greater vehicle in comparison with the 小乘 Hīnayāna. It indicates universalism, or Salvation for all, for all are Buddha and will attain bodhi. It is the form of Buddhism prevalent in Tibet, Mongolia, China, Korea, Japan, and in other places in the Far East. It is also called Northern Buddhism. It is interpreted as 大教 the greater teaching as compared with 小教 the smaller, or inferior. Hīnayāna, which is undoubtedly nearer to the original teaching of the Buddha, is unfairly described as an endeavour to seek nirvana through an ash-covered body, an extinguished intellect, and solitariness; its followers are sravakas and pratyekabuddhas (i.e. those who are striving for their own deliverance through ascetic works). Mahāyāna, on the other hand, is described as seeking to find and extend all knowledge, and, in certain schools, to lead all to Buddhahood. It has a conception of an Eternal Buddha, or Buddhahood as Eternal (Adi-Buddha), but its especial doctrines are, inter alia, (a) the bodhisattvas 菩薩 , i.e. beings who deny themselves final Nirvana until, according to their vows, they have first saved all the living; (b) salvation by faith in, or invocation of the Buddhas or bodhisattvas; (c) Paradise as a nirvana of bliss in the company of Buddhas, bodhisattvas, saints, and believers. Hīnayāna is sometimes described as 自利 self-benefiting, and Mahāyāna as 自利利他 self-benefit for the benefit of others, unlimited altruism and pity being the theory of Mahāyāna. There is a further division into one-yana and three-yanas: the trīyāna may be śrāvaka, pratyeka-buddha, and bodhisattva, represented by a goat, deer, or bullock cart; the one-yāna is that represented by the Lotus School as the one doctrine of the Buddha, which had been variously taught by him according to the capacity of his hearers, v. 方便. Though Mahāyāna tendencies are seen in later forms of the older Buddhism, the foundation of Mahāyāna has been attributed to Nāgārjuna 龍樹. "The characteristics of this system are an excess of transcendental speculation tending to abstract nihilism, and the substitution of fanciful degrees of meditation and contemplation (v. Samādhi and Dhyāna) in place of the practical asceticism of the Hīnayāna school."[Eitel 68-9.] Two of its foundation books are the 起信論and the 妙法蓮華經 but a larnge numberof Mahāyāna sutras are ascribed to the Buddha。.


see styles
dà tóng
    da4 tong2
ta t`ung
    ta tung
 daidou / daido
(Confucianism) Great Harmony (concept of an ideal society)
(1) (See 大同小異) general resemblance; being largely the same; (2) (See 大同団結) uniting with a common goal; (3) (hist) Daidō era (806.5.18-810.9.19); (place-name) Datong (China)
mostly the same



see styles
dà qìng
    da4 qing4
ta ch`ing
    ta ching
 taikei / taike
Daqing prefecture-level city in Heilongjiang province 黑龍江|黑龙江[Hei1 long2 jiang1] in northeast China
great joy; (place-name) Daqing (China)
great happiness


see styles
dà jiào
    da4 jiao4
ta chiao
The great teaching. (1) That of the Buddha. (2) Tantrayāna. The mahātantra, yoga, yogacarya, or tantra school which claims Samantabhadra as its founder. It aims at ecstatic union of the individual soul with the world soul, Iśvara. From this result the eight great powers of Siddhi (aṣṭa-mahāsiddhi), namely, ability to (1) make one's body lighter (laghiman); (2) heavier (gaiman); (3) smaller (aṇiman); (4) larger (mahiman) than anything in the world ; (5) reach any place (prāpti) ; (6) assume any shape (prākāmya) ; (7) control all natural laws (īśitva) ; (8) make everything depend upon oneself; all at will (v.如意身 and 神足). By means of mystic formulas (Tantras or dhāraṇīs), or spells (mantras), accompanied by music and manipulation of the hands (mūdra), a state of mental fixity characterized neither by thought nor the annihilation of thought, can be reached. This consists of six-fold bodily and mental happiness (yoga), and from this results power to work miracles. Asaṅga compiled his mystic doctrines circa A.D. 500. The system was introduced into China A.D. 647 by Xuanzang's translation of the Yogācārya-bhūmi-śāstra 瑜伽師地論 ; v. 瑜. On the basis of this, Amoghavajra established the Chinese branch of the school A.D. 720 ; v. 阿目. This was popularized by the labours of Vajrabodhi A.D. 732 ; v. 金剛智.



see styles
dà qiáo
    da4 qiao2
ta ch`iao
    ta chiao
Da Qiao, one of the Two Qiaos, according to Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義|三国演义[San1 guo2 Yan3 yi4], the two great beauties of ancient China
large bridge; big bridge; (surname) Kiohashi


see styles
dà zhuàn
    da4 zhuan4
ta chuan
the great seal; used narrowly for 籀文; used broadly for many pre-Qin scripts
(See 六体) large seal script (dating from China's Spring and Autumn period onward)


see styles
    taisou / taiso
(1) (in China) 3rd note of the ancient chromatic scale (approx. E); (2) first lunar month



see styles
dà xián
    da4 xian2
ta hsien
great sage; (given name) Daiken
Daxian (Jap. Daiken), a Korean monk who lived in China during the Tang dynasty, of the 法相 Dharmalakṣaṇa school, noted for his annotations on the sūtras and styled 古迹記 the archaeologist.



see styles
dà lù
    da4 lu4
ta lu
continent; mainland; CL:個|个[ge4],塊|块[kuai4]
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) continent; (2) continental Asia (esp. mainland China); (3) continental Europe; (female given name) Riku



see styles
dà bǎo
    da4 bao3
ta pao
(bird species of China) great bustard (Otis tarda)



see styles
dà kuáng
    da4 kuang2
ta k`uang
    ta kuang
 oonosuri; oonosuri
    おおのすり; オオノスリ
(bird species of China) upland buzzard (Buteo hemilasius)
(kana only) upland buzzard (Buteo hemilasius)


see styles
tiān xià
    tian1 xia4
t`ien hsia
    tien hsia
 tenka(p); tenga; tenge
    てんか(P); てんが; てんげ
land under heaven; the whole world; the whole of China; realm; rule
(1) the whole world; (2) the whole country; (3) society; the public; (4) supremacy over a nation; government of a country; the ruling power; (5) having one's own way; doing as one pleases; (can be adjective with の) (6) peerless; incomparable; superlative; world-famous; (7) (archaism) shogun (Edo period); (given name) Tenka
the world



see styles
tiān wèn
    tian1 wen4
t`ien wen
    tien wen
Tianwen, or Questions to Heaven, a long poem by Chu Yuan 屈原[Qu1 Yuan2]; Tianwen, a series of interplanetary missions developed by the China National Space Administration starting in 2016, named after the poem
(1) (ev) Tianwen (Chinese interplanetary mission); (2) (work) Heavenly Questions (classical Chinese poem); (ev) Tianwen (Chinese interplanetary mission); (wk) Heavenly Questions (classical Chinese poem)

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "china" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary